Thursday, September 11, 2008

More Miley Cyrus Leaks - Hacked Photos in Time for New Music Video

More Miley Cyrus Leaks - Hacked Photos in Time for New Music Video

The continuous appearance of scandalous photos of Miley Cyrus is beginning to smell like a well-oiled publicity campaign. Supposedly, leaked photos of Miley Cyrus "hacked" from her iPhone have been hitting

Should Batmans The Dark Knight have been a 15 cert?

The Dark Knights12A certificate was under scrutiny this week as The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) came under fire by Keith Vaz of the Home Affairs Select Committee, who was less than happy that the film has a 12A status due to its violence and bleak tone. Keith said The BBFC should realise there are scenes of gratuitous violence in The Dark Knight, to which I certainly would not take my 11-year-old daughter. It should be a 15 certificate. However, the BBFC defended its decisi

Too Soon: In the Mouth of Madness

I always had a soft spot for John Carpenter. As a kid, he was the first director whose name meant something to me. Seeing his name flash across the screen for the commercials for The Fog when I was a child left an impression that Im still trying to shake off today. More than any other director, Carpenter appeared to be making movies just for me. Halloween and The Fog were there when I was first discovering horror movies. Escape from New York, The Thing and Starman arrived when I was explorin

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